Saturday 27 July 2013

The American Classic 5f6a tube guitar amp.

This is the shittest suprising price for a boutique handmade amp. The American Classic 5f6a based on Fender Bassman.

Buy it now at!genthry-amp/c1mmz

See this.

Now with launching discount of 10 percent off listed price until end September.

For sales;


Genthry Handmade Boutique Amp Model M900

Genthry M900

WTF This is coming. The grandeur of rock crunch and hi gain tones.
Preview to you the head cabinet for Genthry M900

A little bit on this manic amp, too many is available for review, reading about it in the Internet. 

To start with, it has 2 Channels, and you can control 2 channels pre amp, Channel A is voiced for clean to crunch settings when driven hard, something for the everyday use. When switch to the Lead Channel B, it takes onto another dimension of lead guitar use for overdrive, distorion and Hi Gain. Hence giving Channel B - Lead Gain Channel. All the best you need and more is in the Channel A Gain and Channel B Lead Gain. Both channel are individually master volume and reverb controlled at power amp level. This 100w configuration of searing rhythm and lead sounds are applicable at home, recording, live and studio sessions. It feed effects well with effect loop and output can be for high and low mode.

Nonetheless, many handmade boutique amp out there, only Genthry Amplifications now gives you a damn fine 100w Valve Amp. That damn amp. It has many other features available. Check out the M900 front and back faceplates.

For sales, please email

Genthry M900 is only available in Head Amp only. You can order a Matching Cabinet by Genthry as well. Genthry use Celestion Speakers. Eminence are available on request.